Custom Pricing

Some of our projects are custom priced. They are based on the clients objectives and the project requirements. Video productions have many variables that affect the production value, the effectiveness of the program and the cost. Things like research, scriptwriting, shooting locations and editing all vary from project to project. Once we discuss the client’s goals, we prepare a proposal based on the project requirements. We talk with the client and discuss why we propose certain things and give alternate suggestions if there are any creative, technical, logistical or budgetary concerns. When the proposal is accepted, we proceed to developing a plan based on the budget. We will propose how many days we will spend researching, writing, shooting and editing. Our goal is to create a successful video program and wisely use our planned resources to stay within budget. Because of our years of experience, we have an excellent track record of keeping projects on-time and on-budget.

Fixed Budget

Another way we price our production cost is based on what the client has in his budget to spend. We have clients who share their budget in advance and that really works well. This approach takes the guess work out of the proposal process. We do what we call a “make it fit” proposal. We develop a proposal that doesn’t exceed the budget. For example, if a client has $5000- budget, we know we can’t afford 5 days of research & writing, 5 shooting days and 10 editing days. We figure out a way to shoot the program and distribute the resources that provides the client the most bang for the buck. Once we know the budget and the objectives for the video, we can use our experience to determine which of the many productions variables will help create the best program for the budget. It’s a little like buying a car…if you have $20,000 for a new car you may have to choose the cloth seats instead of the fine Italian leather. It depends on what is most important to you.

Production Packages

We have a few low-cost production options for businesses who want to keep their marketing costs down. The prices are small, but we use our skill and creativity to give you a quality product. The major restriction is limited, pre-determined time that we allocate to the project. If narration is needed, we'll use interviews to tell your story and save time on scripting writing cost. We'll spend a specific amount of time shooting at one location. We then edit the program and deliver it to you, ready to be placed on the web.

Scroll down to see Package-Pricing Demos.


“White board Explainer Video”  Prices start @ $1000-

“Branding Videos” are great for your Home Page. We hope it makes you hungry. Prices start @ $1200-

Feeling relaxed after watching this “Branding Video”?  Then we’ve done our jobs.  Prices start @ $1200-